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いかんせん花おこし  |||||《 daub 》label ​ web page


2012年大阪で長濱礼香(g,vo)を中心に結成。2014年に1st album「地中の空」を高知のレーベル<CHAOTIC NOISE RECORDINGS>よりリリース。メンバーを変えながらも2017年には2nd  album「湖のほとり」をgyuune cassetteの傘下にて自主レーベル<《 daub 》label>を発起しリリース。様々なアーティストを迎えイベントを開催。変名でのいかんせん津山篤(津山篤dr,g:サイケ奉行/想い出波止場)などを経て、現在は長濱礼香( g,vo)、田中明子(ba)、北畠壮陽(dr)でのメンバーにて活動し、稀にゲストプレイヤーとして山内弘太<g./quaeru,折坂悠太(重奏)など>を迎えた演奏も行っている。

Ikansenhanaokoshi///Ayaka Nagahama(g,vo) is formed in the center in Osaka in 2012. 1st album "the sky in the ground" is released more than label <CHAOTIC NOISE RECORDINGS> in Kochi in 2014. Though I change a member, an independent label< <<daub>> label> is proposed in a subsidiary in gyuune cassette, and 2nd album "edge in a lake" is released in 2017. Various artists are met and an event is held. Ayaka Nagahama(g,vo), Akiko Tanaka (ba) and a member in Kitabatake souyou (dr) come into action at present via Atsushi Tsuyama who doesn't do (Atsushi Tsuyama dr,g: psychedelic bugyo/omoide hatoba) etc. which doesn't go by an anonym, and the performance which rarely received Kouta Yamauchi< g./quaeru and Orisaka Yuta (ensemble)> as a guest player is being also performed.


Ayaka Nagahama 長濱礼香 Guitar, Vocal

Soyo Kitabatake 北畠壮陽 Drums

Akiko Tanaka 田中明子 Bass,Chorus

Kota Yamauchi 山内弘太 ​Guitar <support member>



daub 》Label





From 2014.
<experimental music, improvisation,  song>

I meet various artists under the theme of equal it and hold an event.

Unfortunately, I raise a flower and, by the sound source, release a solo sound source of / Nagahama Ayaka.
​I will plan the release of other artists in future.

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